
发布时间:2023-05-08 11:00:00

姓    名:李冰

性    别:


职    称:副教授

职    务:

学    位:博士

学    历:研究生

电    话:

邮    箱:lib675@whut.edu.cn











本科:商务数据分析、电子商务算法结构、 计算机网络设计、电子商务数据库技术





  1. Bing Li; Tommy W.S. Chow; Peng Tang, Analyzing rough set based attribute reductions by extension rule , Neurocomputing, 2014, 123:185~196.

  2. Bing Li ; Guanrong Chen; Tommy W.S. Chow,Naming Game with Multiple Hearers , Communications in Nonlinear Science & Numerical Simulation, 2013.5,18(5): 1214~1228

  3. Li, Bing; Chow, Tommy W S; Huang, Di, A novel feature selectionmethod and its application. , J Intell Inf Syst, 2013.10.1, 41(2): 235~268

  4. Mingbo Zhao; Bing Li ; Zhou Wu; Choujun Zhan, Image classification via least square semi-supervised discriminant analysis with flexible kernel regression for out-of-sample extension , Neurocomputing, 2015.4.4, 153: 96~107

  5. Mingbo Zhao; Zhao Zhang; Tommy W.S. Chow; Bing Li *,Soft label based Linear Discriminant Analysis for image recognition and retrieval, Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 2014.4, 121: 86~99

  6. Chiu, Bernard; Li, Bing; Chow, Tommy W S, Novel 3D ultrasound image-based biomarkers based on a feature selection from a 2D standardized vessel wall thickness map: a tool for sensitive assessment of therapies for carotid atherosclerosis. , Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2013.9.7, 58(17):5959~5982.

  7. Cuili Yang , Kaizhe Nie, Junfei Qiao, Bing Li, Design of Extreme Learning Machine with Smoothed L RegularizatioMobile Networks and Applications,https://doi.org/10.1007/s11036-020-01587-3.

  8. Zhao Zhang; Mingbo Zhao; Bing Li; Peng Tang; Fan-Zhang Li, Simple yet effective color principal and discriminant feature extraction for representing and recognizing color images , Neurocomputing, 2015.2.3, 149: 1058~1073.

  9. Zhao, Mingbo ; Chow, Tommy W. S.; Wu, Zhou ; Zhang, Zhao; Li, Bing,Learning from normalized local and global discriminative information forsemi-supervised regression and dimensionality reduction , Information Sciences, 2015.12.10, 324: 286~309 .

  10. Zhao, Mingbo ; Chow, Tommy W. S.; Zhang, Zhao ; Li, Bing, Automatic image annotation via compact graph based semi-supervised learning , Knowledge-Based Systems, 2015.3, 76: 148~165

  11. Zhao, Mingbo ; Zhang, Zhao ; Chow, Tommy W S ; Li, Bing ,Ageneral soft label based linear discriminant analysis for semi-supervised dimensionality reduction. , Neural Netw, 2014.7, 55: 83~97.

  12. Zhang, Zhao; Jiang, Weiming; Li, Fanzhang; Zhao, Mingbo; Li, Bing; Zhang, Li, Structured Latent Label Consistent Dictionary Learning for SalientMachine Faults Representation-Based Robust Classification , IEEE transaction on industrial informatics, 2017.4, 13(2): 644~656.

  13. Zhang, Zhao; Jia, Lei; Zhang, Min; Li, Bing; Zhang, Li; Li, Fanzhang, Discriminative clustering on manifold for adaptive transductive classification, NEURAL NETWORKS, 2017.10, 94: 260~273.


  1. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助,基于复杂网络用户兴趣动态演化机理研究,结题,主持。

  2. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,基于智能复杂网络的突发传染病模型与决策支持研究,已批准,主持。

  3. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,面向驾驶模拟的实景高速公路与智能自主车建模研究,结题,参加。

  4. 教育部人文社科,面向虚拟社群的社会化专家建模及推荐研究,结题,参加。

  5. 企业委托,三峡过闸运量需求预测模型研究,结题,参加。
